Does Tap Water Affect Hair Loss

tap water drinking affecting hair loss

When you’re losing hair, it’s natural to wonder if you’re doing something “wrong.” You may question if the core cause is the hair products you use or the foods you eat. But have you ever considered that the water you use to wash your hair could be a source of concern?

Tap water, notably hard water, could be the source of your hair thinning, breakage, and loss. This article will provide an overview of the subject, including *how* water may be the source of your hair loss problems. You will then be taught how to deal with the issue.

How Does Tap Water Affect Hair Loss?

Tap water is treated with chemicals such as chlorine to keep it safe. While this destroys bacteria and other potentially hazardous microbes, it can be irritating to the scalp.

In addition to chlorine and chloramines, your home’s tap water may have an excess of certain minerals. These are primarily calcium and magnesium, though other minerals may be present depending on the location. If this is the case, you have a hard water problem.

Most tap water contains contaminants and tiny poisons that are harmful to one’s health. Drinking purified and re-mineralized water may actually prevent baldness and encourage hair growth, because not only does pure water (also including minerals) hydrate the entire body and blood, allowing nutrients to be delivered to the scalp more effectively, but it also contains minerals required for hair growth.

Does Hard Water Cause Hair Loss?

Hard water is defined as water that contains a high concentration of minerals such as calcium and magnesium. Water may come into touch with mineral formations such as limestone and chalk as it is pushed via subsurface infrastructure. Mineral particles are collected along the way and given to houses via taps.

Water hardness comes in a variety of levels. While indices vary, the four main categories are gentle, moderately hard, hard, and very hard. The harder the water, the higher the mineral content.

It is impossible to avoid harsh water in some regions. This is related to the source of the water and the quality of the plumbing infrastructure in the area.

In many situations, the issue with hard water begins with hair weakening and breaking. This can lead to hair thinning and loss in the long run.


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